Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 3 October 21

Okay. First thing I must do is give a disclaimer. We had an incredibly long day today both in distance and in time on the bike. For this reason, my brain is dead as damn. So no comments on bad grammar or repetitious writing. Spelling, well that is a given because I am mainlly writing this on a blackberry, so tiny buttons equals badie spells man.

So we started in ste genevieve missouri at maybe 10 (after another flat for ben-bum) and the way down from there was very smooth until about ten miles out of town when it became very shit hilly again. We powered through it though. Which reminds me that I realized what the pain in the back of my leg was due this is essentially, save two rides around the block at home, the first time I've ever used clip-in pedals and special shoes. When you power up a hill with this type of pedal,and a fully loaded bike, you end up needing to use the entire rotation of the pedal. So you use a small tiny baby muscle in the back of your knee area to pull more on the backswing of the rotation. That is something I've never had to do before and I am now paying for it big time. But, because I realized what it was all due to I was able to correct my riding style so I didn't use those muscles as much.

We rode a grueling 75 miles or so today all the way to cape gerardueax or whatever. On the way, we saw lots of nice scenery and realized the colors on the trees are changing. Always a very pleasant sight. The weather was pretty good again, but not sunny. It actually was nice that way until 4 when it started getting pretty windy and chilly. I put on the leg warmers I bought and they really did work, but kept on slidies down the legs, so i had to stop about every half hour and pull them back up like some kind of pants that are too big and you got not even a rope-belt. We got more sandwiches at a gas station, as well as a pizza, a bag of chips, some peanuts, I think some crackers, some pomegranate and blueberry juice, and maybe even more. Very satisfying. We had our first full view of the river, on whose greatest trail we're on, and I took a successful action shot. Nice.

We got into cape g around 6, and it was a welcome sight. We had arranged to stay with a fellow member and get some indoors sleeping action. We knew it was supposed to rain, but we did not realize it would be a major thunderstorm, so we decided it wouldn't be terrible to stay for our first day off if it ended up really storming (which it has and continued to do so throughout the day.)

Our host made us some tasty pasta and pizza and we ate very well. Much appreciated. She even is letting us stay an extra day to wait out the rain. We will. Back on the path on friday.

Sent from my fingers and brain.

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