Tuesday, November 3, 2009

11/3 missip

We left roys cabins, fishing, grocery store and restaurant bright and early after a night spent checking the moon out. It looked so huge up there, I'm sure pictures we took won't do it justice. But maybe well share them with yall. We woke up and our tent flys were totally saturated with the most dense dewey ever. It was unbelievable. Water began to drip on facer right as I awoke. We got our stuff ready to go after eating a hearty breakfast at roys restarant. I had been craving some eggs for days. Finally I got a bacon cheese omlette. Perfect. Ben got flapjacks or something.

We began riding along this lake, lake washington, and we had no idea it was so vast. We rode the perimeter for almost an hour on a totally shit road. It was annoying. (I got almost no sleep last night, so I was cranky all day.) Then the road we turned onto to go back to the highway we'd been on which was immensely smooth. Then we turned onto the highway, which was smooth yesterday but today it felt like someone had place inverted speed bumps literally every ten feet. Something you'd never notice in a car, but to me it was the most annoying part of the ride so far. Even worse than the shit-for-brains drivers in greenville ms. Finally, after an hour or so I figured out that if I rode all the way to the right, right on top of the painted line, it wasn't so bumpette. That was relieving. Even more relieving was the burger and fries lunch we got in meyersville, ms. Great fries, you know the ones that are really crispy and somehow less oil saturated? Those. A woman hanging out in the store was asking about our ride. She asked all the normies, where from, how far, what if you break down, just for excersize or what. Then she asked where we stayed, another normal question, and told her that we usually camp in state parks or rv places and sometimes we just pull off the road and go into the trees a bit. This prompted her to ask, "so what, yall homeless then or something?" I told her no, we have tenties. She then offered to sell us weed, and we wondered if she asked everyone who came into that store/gas station/restaurant, then we wondered if anyone in history had ever bought weed from her while wearing bike shorts. After we left we wondered if we could ever go back with the guiness book of world records people and set the record for most weed bought from this strange lady in meyersville, mississippi while wearing bike shorts. Probably better never to find out.

As we left meyersville, waving goodbye to that strange woman, I thought I heard a pop but didn't think anything of it. The road eventually smoothed out until we turned onto some kind of smaller road that actually went through trees and not farmland. It wasn't so bad until we hit what is called a cattle guard. Without warning, the increasingly smaller road was interrupted by steel rods about a foot apart. We had no clue it was coming, so we skidded to a stopand I toppled over again due to not being a very good "clipped-in rider". Unhurt, I got up, picked up my bike, and walked it across the cattle guard. After I remounted, I realized my tire was feeling and looking very squishy (as ben says) so I asked ben to get behind me to give me a sense of how bad it was. The tire being low on air was the least of my worries. Ben said the wheel looked totally out of true, so we stopped and to my dismay found that I had broken a spoke. So, we teetered along the levy towards chotards landing where we were to camp.

Now we are in vicksburgh or something. We got a ride from a nice guy called mark because we thought there would be a bike shop in town. Unfortunately it closed down a couple years ago, so we are at the library recooping and getting ready for a light two day haul to nachez ms. Supposedly, we will soon be riding on one of the most beautiful bike routes of all time, the nachez trace parkway. We'll hit up a bike shop in nachez, get the spoke fixed, fill our bottles and tires up, and its only a couple hundred miles more to new orleans. We can already smell the poorboy sandwiches.

Sent from my fingers and brain.

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